On 13th May 2011 A.F.R.A
learned from FB sources that there was another plan to massacre street dogs
in the same manner as we had read with horror a few days before in relation
to the Botosani Massacre.
We immediately issued an
Action Alert that thankfully was answered and actioned upon by Animal
welfare groups and individuals from around the globe within minutes and
continued throughout the day flooding every Romanian Embassy, European
Parliament members mail boxes as well as the media. We have no idea at this
time if that was enough to deter yet another vile massacre, but what we
cannot afford to do, or rather the street dogs of Brasov cannot afford us to
do, is for us not to discontinue with our actions.
Keep in mind we have had no
formal denial issued in regards to this proposal, so at this time we would
suggest it is safe to presume that the cogs are still turning in Brasov,
albeit at a quieter rate. It is imperative now more than ever that we follow
up our emails, letters, calls and faxes and remind the authorities we will
not let this rest until we have an official assurance that this proposed
action will not go ahead, or an official statement denying such proposal was
Take Action
If you live in Brasov
It is very important that
you guys report back to us what you see and hear. For instance is there
increased activity with the dog catchers, have you heard any more news
of this proposal going ahead? Take photos, write down what you see and
witness and send all the information to us here at A.F.R.A. by emailing
If at all possible, follow
the dog catchers vans, video and take photographs, stop them from taking
those dogs!
If you live outside of
Follow up your email to
the Romanian/Brasov Government.
Click here to download letter to Brasov/Romanian Government
a prewritten generic letter to either directly copy and paste into an
email , or to use as a structure for your own. Email addresses of the
Brasov and Romanian Government contacts can be found below
Email the president of the
Romanian College of Veterinary Doctors, a Mr Andronie whose email
address is
evorel.andronie@cmvro.ro The
reason we suggest this will become clear once you have read the second
generic letter we have constructed that again you can either copy and
paste in its entirety to the president of the college or use it as a
structure for your own personal correspondence to him.
Click here to
download Letter to Veterinary College
Contact other Romanian
Government members and European Parliament members in a mass email,
Click Here
for mass email addresses (Look just under section 6, titled Mass Email
Addresses) and again either use the Generic Romanian Government letter
or write your own.
Re-contact your local
Media and News stations expressing your concern at their lack of
interest in such a story, and how as a loyal customer/reader/viewer you
are disappointed at their lack of interest. For UK and Romanian media
Click Here and scroll down the page.
Brasov Email contacts
relatii.publice.cj@judbrasov.ro,office.cj@judbrasov.ro; cabinet.prefect@prefecturabrasov.ro;
cabinet.subprefect2@prefecturabrasov.ro; petitii@politiaromana.ro;
liviu.popa@politiaromana.ro; dumitru.parvu@politiaromana.ro; lucian.muntean@politiaromana.ro;
florentin.robescu@politiaromana.ro; alexandru.tanco@politiaromana.ro;
cabinet@bv.politiaromana.ro; liviu.naghi@bv.politiaromana.ro; office@ansvsa.ro;
Romanian Government Contacts -
(Fax if possible as well as email)
Presidency of
Mr. Traian Basescu, President of Romania
traianbasescu@presidency.ro, procetatean@presidency.ro
Fax: +40 21 319.31.31
Government of Romania
Mr. Emil Boc, Prim-minister
Fax: +40 21 313 98 46
Democrat-Liberal Party (PD-L)
Mr. Emil Boc, President
Fax: 00 40 21 2301625; 230 22 62
National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA)
Mr. Radu Roatis, President
Fax +40 21 3124967
Parliament of Romania - Chamber of Deputies
Mrs. Roberta Anastase, President
srp@cdep.ro,presa@cdep.ro, secretar.general@cdep.ro
Fax: +40 21 3134931, +40 21 3120828
Committee for Public Administration Territorial Planning and Ecological
(within Chamber of Deputies)
Mrs. Sulfina Barbu, President
Fax +40 21 3146934
European Peoples Party (PPE) (where PD-L party is member)
Fax: + 32 2 2854141
Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR)
Mr. Kelemen Hunor, President
elnok@rmdsz.ro, kelemenhunor@rmdsz.ro, kpeter@rmdsz.ro, politikaialelnok@gmail.com
Fax: 00 4 0264 590 758
Tel fax: 021 314 68 49, 021 314 43 56, 021 314 45 83
Ministry of Administration and Interior
drp@mai.gov.ro, dirp@mai.gov.ro, comunicare@mai.gov.ro, petitii@mai.gov.ro,
Fax: 00 4 021.314.97.18, +40 21 3103072
AMR (Romanian Municipalities Association)
amr@amr.ro, narcisa.muraru@amr.ro, iulia.pirvu@amr.ro
Fax: +32 (0)2 213 82 39